File Exchange

File Transfer

Securely deliver large files to anyone without requiring your recipients to log in

Password protect the delivery, set an expiration, or limit the number of downloads

Use the portal to bypass size limitations associated with sending documents via email

Easily send large files to non-techy clients or customers with an easy-to-use interface

Highly-Organized File Structure

Each Client is given a dedicated Sharing Folder, and can have as many as needed

Each Project has its own dedicated Sharing Folder, with a sub folder for each Task

You can create your own sub-folder structure and can customize for each Client

Set notifications so that your Client is notified whenever you share a folder

You can download all files & documents in a folder packaged into a ZIP file

Powerful Shared Folders

Use Shared Folders to allow multiple Clients/Circles or Staff/Teams to access a folder

Members in a Shared Folder receive an email notification when they are first added to the folder, and each time there is a new upload to the folder

Automate the addition or removal of Clients to or from Shared Folders with the use of Circles

PDFs, images, and videos can be previewed directly in the browser, and everything can be downloaded from the Portal

Convenient File Request Feature

You initiate the request, and the Client receives a hassle-free link via email

You can pre-assign which folder the requested info will be uploaded to

Clients don’t need to be logged in to upload the requested information

When the File Request is fulfilled you are notified by email

You can add a deadline to the Request if needed for your services

Folder Structure Generators

Automatically set a pre-defined folder structure for a specific type of Client

You can pre-define a folder structure that will be automatically generated for each Contact

Select the appropriate Folder Generator and that structure (both folders & files) will be automatically generated for the created Contact

Simple File Versioning

Easily upload new versions of a document or Client File with a log of versions

Previous versions can be accessed in a click and/or reverted to if needed

Each version is time stamped and organized by date

All versions can be downloaded in one action as a ZIP file

Versioning gives you and the end user the safety of never losing work again

No Limit to File Size or Type

HUGE Files can be transferred at once, tested with files over 2GB

Chunked File Uploading allows the transfer of huge files with no size limit

Use a proprietary file type? No problem, just add the extension

You can limit or disallow the uploading of specific file types

Download Folder as ZIP File

You can pre-create Folders with entire file repositories inside

Just by granting permissions, a Prospect or Client can easily access and download the entire folder as a ZIP file

Folder structure is maintained and replicated in ZIP file

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